

Deadlime SRL only requests personal information on our users either for registration purposes or for periodical opt-in newsletters, which users can opt-out of. The information collected can be in the form of a name, email and shipping address for delivery of goods or money, whichever the cas may be. Deadlime SRL does not share or sell any of this information to any third party and respects the integrity of all its users and associated partners.

Here at Deadlime Games we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us.

However, for your best gaming experience and proper user engagement, your basic user information may be collected by third parties, either for player data analytics, to engage with social gaming services, or for marketing purposes. Each of these third party services have their own privacy policy and terms of use, which we highly recommend you take the time to read.

By accepting our terms and playing this game you equally give consent to these third party services simultaneously and to any other third party services that may be added in the future through updates. Here is a list of third party services that may use your personal information:

Google Products and Services:

One Signal Products and Services:

Facebook Products and Services:

HeyZap/Fyber Products and Services:

AdColony Products and Services:

Chartboost Products and Services:

UnityAds Products and Services:

PlayFab Products and Services:

ironSource Products and Services:

Twitter Products and Services:

At any time, you may uninstall our game and thus by doing so we will immediately stop using your data for our game services. As for any third-party service provider please consult their respective privacy policies and terms of use to inquire about the life-cycle of your saved data and how it will be used after uninstalling the game. By accepting these terms, you also confirm to be of age 16 years or older.